Women’s Health, Your Future Health

Because your quality of life matters and nothing is too embarrassing to share with me.

I cover a range of traditional ‘Women’s Health’ symptoms that can be treated directly with the help of a simple scan or blood tests.

I’m not able to offer a full gynaecology service (as I am not a gynaecologist!) but if you’re struggling to get in with your GP or wish to discuss any current treatments in more detail, I should be able to help.

Women’s Health Conditions covered:

  • Heavy/painful menstrual bleeding
  • Painful Sex
  • Low libido
  • Vulval and vaginal symptoms
  • Recurrent ‘UTI’
  • Prolapse and pessaries
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Contraceptive choices
  • Cyclical symptoms

Prolapse and Pessary Service


Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) can be a really debilitating symptom to live with. It can be very uncomfortable, embarrassing and sometimes just an absolute nuisance. If you would like your symptoms assessing, a prolapse confirmed/diagnosing or alternative treatments discussed please book in for a specific Pelvic Floor Assessment. 

Read more here…

A Pelvic Floor assessment consists of a thorough history, physical exam and sizing up for a pessary if this is what you choose and discussion around the risks and benefits of these is essential to getting things right for you.

I will not place a new pessary on a first visit unless you already have your own or you are suitable for an average size (62-74mm) thick or thin  ‘ring’ pessary (as I have these in stock and are included (up to 3) in the price of the consultation). I will only know what size and type is suitable following a physical assessment.

I only order in ‘cube’ pessaries which are £55 per item or self managing ‘folding’ rings as a alternative which are approximately £65 per item. Folding rings are usually fitted following success with a fixed ring so we definitely have the sizing right.

I am happy to order in other types of pessaries which have already been fitted by a qualified provider, and you are just wanting it replaced.

If you are keen to have your pelvic floor assessed and a pessary fitted, I would suggest booking a Pelvic Floor Package. This will include the initial assessment, potential fitting there and then of a pessary, plus a single follow up appointment. If a pessary is not fitted on your first visit (for example if you are not suitable for a ring pessary or it falls our straight away) then a single fitting appointment is included at a later date.

Longer term management of pelvic organ pessaries involves regular (6monthly) physical exams to ensure there is no tissue damage being done and to change the pessary to avoid breakdown of the constituent materials as recommended by the manufacturers. You can book a stand alone follow up appointment, or blocks of 3 if you wish for these appointments.

Please take a look at my Blog Post on Pelvic Organ Prolapse to clarify any questions you may have. Alternatively please email me drgillian@lincolnshirewomensclinic.co.uk if you remain unsure.


Although the Lincolnshire Women’s Clinic is not set up as an independent GP service, I am still able to offer consultations within the scope of my General Practice. This may be to offer another opinion, discuss a medication, provide an explanation or interpret self ordered blood tests or scans.


More women are becoming aware of how their current lifestyle and family history/genetics can impact their Future Health. I have a lot of requests to discuss things like blood pressure, statins or alternative cholesterol medications and osteoporosis. Some women are often symptomatic of underlying conditions, without even realising it as they may have always been dismissed as ‘anxiety’ or just something they should get used to living with. Sometimes a discussion like this is prompted by the death or illness of a family member – and it is certainly worth a consultation if you think your genetics put you at higher risk of a future health event- there is so much we can do to prevent declining health as we age!

Women's Health Consultation


  • A holistic consultation centred around a range of traditional women’s health symptoms
  • Minimum 20 minute appointment
  • GP letter and private prescription
  • Comprehensive recommendations/treatment plan

Conditions covered

  • Heavy/painful menstrual bleeding
  • Painful Sex
  • Low libido
  • Vulval and vaginal symptoms
  • Recurrent ‘UTI’
  • Prolapse and pessaries
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Contraceptive choices
  • Cyclical symptoms

Women's Health Package


Initial Women’s Health consultation PLUS:

  • TWO follow up appointments valid for 12 months
  • Private prescriptions included with each appointment
  • Blood test and scan interpretation and onward management plan included
  • Email contact following each appointment

More info

*Scans and blood tests are not included in the package- the interpretation of these and onward management plan is included. All investigations I recommend are provided by third parties at their cost price- I don’t personally make a profit on them.

General Practice or Future Health Consultation


  • Minimum 20minute holistic appointmen
  • GP letter and private prescription

Consultation Themes

  • Heart and Stroke disease risk
  • Blood pressure management
  • Cholesterol lowering therapy
  • Osteoporosis risk
  • Breast Cancer risk

Future Health Health Package £295

  • Initial Future Health consultation PLUS: 
  • TWO follow up appointments valid for 12 months
  • Private prescriptions included with each appointment
  • Blood test and scan interpretation and onward management plan included
  • Email contact following each appointment


More info

*Scans and blood tests are not included in the package- the interpretation of these and onward management plan is included. All investigations I recommend are provided by third parties at their cost price- I don’t personally make a profit on them.

Pelvic Floor Assessment


  • A holistic approach to pelvic floor discomfort and symptoms
  • 25 minute minimum consultation time
  • Detailed history and pelvic floor examination
  • Private prescription included

Consultation Themes

  • Assessment for suitability of vaginal pessary if required
  • Direct pessary change service
  • Alternative pessary exchange service
  • Ring pessary included of this would be your first time using a pessary

*Please note other types of pessary can be ordered in following your initial consultation.